Manchester Raspberry Jam

For Digital Makers

Our first Jam workshop – Raspberry PI GPIO using Python

We’re pleased today to announce our first Jam workshop!

Pete Lomas, Trustee of the Raspberry Pi foundation will be running an electronics-focused workshop on Python GPIO with the Raspberry Pi at our next Jam (November 8th)

We’ll be running various other workshops in the future. We’re open to suggestions, so if there’s something you’d like a workshop on, send us a tweet @mcrraspjam

Get tickets for the next jam at

Jam Workshop – Getting Started with Raspberry Pi GPIO using Python

This is the first of a series of ‘electronics’ workshops running at Manchester Raspberry Jam. We have space for up to 20 participants working in pairs. All kit will be provided.


Introduction: Overview of Raspberry Pi GPIO and Python Library

Practical Sessions:

The main session will last about 90 minutes starting at 11:30am and the kit will be available till the end of the Jam.

Dave Jones’s picamera Python Module

Manchester Raspberry Jam and Python North West regular Dave Jones has been working hard on a pure Python implementation of the Pi camera module – of which he recently released a feature complete v1.0. The announcement was made by Ben Nuttall on the Raspberry Pi blog, along with example usage and demonstration of its application in a web app:

If you have a Raspberry Pi camera module, you’ve probably used raspistill and raspivid, which are command line tools for using the camera. Dave Jones, a Database Admin, software developer and SQL know-it-all based in Manchester has been working on an equivalent, feature complete implementation of these in Python. This means you can access the camera module directly from a Python script, without using os.system or executing a subprocess.


Continue reading » A pure Python interface for the camera module: meet picamera! (